Research Development and Innovation Activities
The Research Development and Innovation Activity is focused on the following subjects:
a) Labour market
- Labour force supply;
- Labour force demand;
- Unemployment;
- Labour market forecasts;
- The informational system of the labour market;
- Wage, minimum wage and labour market equilibrium;
- Institutions and agents of the labor market;
- Social dialogue;
- Labour legislation.
b) Lifelong learning
- Evaluation of the impact of educational and training systems on labour market efficiency;
- Evaluation of the techniques and methods of vocational training;
- Evaluation of the skills demands both nationally and on activities of the national economy, according to the needs of the labour market.
c) Human resources management
- Diagnosis analysis of the recruiting, selection, evaluation and promoting systems;
- Policies and systems regarding salaries in organizations: analysis, impact studies;
- Work relations: conflicting – non-conflicting relations, partnership, communication – information – diagnosis, impact;
- Labour motivation: forms, methods, models;
- Labour standardization.
d) Social policies and social phenomena
Poverty and social exclusion – evaluation, reduction scenarios, policies;
Social inclusion and social cohesion – diagnosis analysis, impact evaluation, evolution scenarios, policies;
Social insurance systems and insurance policies – diagnosis analysis, impact evaluation, evolution scenarios, policies;
Social assistance systems for the population, for families, elder, children, disabled persons - diagnosis analysis, impact evaluation, evolution scenarios and policies.
e) Socio-human aspects involved in the process of change, modernization and integration of Romania in the European structures
f) Strategies and models of socio-economic development nationally, regionally and on activities of the national economy
g) Macro and microeconomic management